How Can I help?
There are several ways that you can support this ministry. We gather and share various items that demonstrate God's agape love for us and take them in with us. Any of these that you would like to help with would be appreciated.
First and foremost, keep this ministry in your prayers.
Pray for the most recent Kairos participants. They just came off of the mountain. They have returned to the valley and need all of the support they can get. Also pray for the weekly "Prayer and Share" sessions each Monday evening. This is where the heart of the program lives. At these sessions the men bond together and form the small groups that they rely on from day-to-day. When we near the next weekend, we will send out requests for people to pray for the weekend. We ask folks to pray for a 30 minute period during the weekend. They send their name, church or city name, along with the time that their 30 minute prayer will begin on a strip of paper. We then staple these strips together to form a chain that is then brought into the meeting room on the weekend. It blows them away to see that so many strangers are praying for them. This is a powerful statement to the men that they aren't forgotten.
You can also make placemats.
This is a great opportunity for the children to be involved. We provide and share meals with the participants and they have these placemats under their plates. The can be done on any 11" x 17" paper - colored paper is good. They are decorated with painted hand prints, or drawings done by the children or youth. Oftentimes the children will add their name (first name only) and age. This really touches the hearts of those who have and miss their kids.
Posters from children's or adult groups are great too. Any size or design works (the bigger the better)! Sometimes groups will write a scripture verse, or a few words of encouragement and then they will all sign it. It doesn't need to be fancy or expertly done. Please don't include stickers, or glitter, or any attachments, as the prison won't permit it.
You can also write letters of hope. We can include these with the letters that we write to each man. Many of them NEVER receive correspondence from their family. Many spend birthdays and holidays alone with no card from home. A hand written letter of encouragement can really touch their hearts.
As we near the next weekend, we will be busy baking cookies. This is another place that you can help. We bake, package and deliver about 4,000 dozen cookies into the unit on a Kairos weekend. This is a dozen for every man incarcerated there, plus some for the officers and prison staff, as well as a few that we eat with the participants. If you are willing, we would love to have help doing this when the time comes. If you can't bake, financial gifts to offset the cost are appreciated.
Lastly, we always welcome financial support
As you can imagine, this ministry is costly to run. We ask folks to consider a $150.00 sponsorship to pay for each man who participates. We are a 501c3 non-profit, and therefore any financial contributions are tax-deductible. Contributions can be sent to KPMI Hughes PO Box 29163 Austin, TX 78755 - Please make checks out to KPMI-Hughes